Friday,  August 3, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 020 • 31 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 30)

• He's stepping into a sensitive situation just days after a family feud went viral. But he appears to have only one interest at heart -- the children.
• "He has been very dedicated to these kids since Michael Jackson's death and he was involved with them before that," TJ's lawyer, Charles A. Schultz, said at a Thursday court hearing.
• Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff, who appointed TJ to work with Katherine Jackson, said there is a strong bond between the 34-year-old T.J. and the children.
• ___

Gabby Douglas soars, becoming the 1st African-American to win all-around gymnastics title

• LONDON (AP) -- Gabby Douglas believed two years ago, when she convinced her mother to let her move halfway across the country.
• Martha Karolyi became a convert over the winter, when the bubbly teenager with the electric smile developed the tenacity required to be a champion.
• Under the brightest lights, on the biggest stage, that belief shattered a glass ceiling.
• Even if the first African-American to win an Olympic all-around title didn't quite realize it.
• "I kind of forgot about that," Douglas said with a laugh.

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Friday, Aug. 3, the 216th day of 2012. There are 150 days left in the year.

• Today's Highlight in History:
• On Aug. 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, on a voyage that took him to the present-day Americas.

• On this date:
• In 1807, former Vice President Aaron Burr went on trial before a federal court in Richmond, Va., charged with treason. (He was acquitted less than a month later.)
• In 1914, Germany declared war on France at the onset of World War I.
• In 1921, baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis refused to reinstate the former Chicago White Sox players implicated in the "Black Sox" scandal, despite

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