Tuesday,  July 31, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 017 • 54 of 56 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 53)

American Idol. The season 2 finalist feels having a former contestant on the show can bring renewed interest to the popular TV singing competition.
• "I would love to sit in that chair and, you know, give some advice from the contestant's standpoint because I've been on that stage and I know what it's like," Locke said Monday in an interview with The Associated Press.
• But don't consider her a pushover. Locke says she'll be brutally honest about each performance and "give it with no fluff."
• "When you're a contestant on that show you do need that hard truth sometimes," Locke says, anticipating her critical tone would fall somewhere between the styles of two former judges.
• "I'm not quite as nice as Paula (Abdul). Paula's super, super nice but I don't think I'm quite as mean as Simon (Cowell) either."
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Women's team gymnastics competition should come down to Americans and Russians

• LONDON (AP) -- The Americans need Jordyn Wieber to regain her swagger in a hurry if they're going to hold off Russia for Olympic gold.
• The two gymnastic powers have been trading places in team competition for two years and will face off again on the biggest stage for an Olympic title Tuesday night.
• The Russians won the world championship in 2010, then finished second to the U.S. last year.
• Defending world champ Wieber failed to qualify for the all-around competition at the London Olympics, but the U.S. women will be depending on her for a comeback if they're going to win their first team gold medal since the "Magnificent Seven" of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
• "We're going to have to cheer her up and hype her up," teammate Gabby Douglas said.

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Tuesday, July 31, the 213th day of 2012. There are 153 days left in the year.

(Continued on page 55)

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