Sunday,  July 29, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 015 • 42 of 48 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 41)

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Injured Colorado theater victim whose daughter died in massacre suffers miscarriage

• DENVER (AP) -- A woman who was critically wounded in the Colorado theater shooting that left dead her 6-year-old daughter has suffered a miscarriage.
• The family of Ashley Moser said in a statement Saturday that she is recovering from surgery but that the trauma caused the miscarriage.
• Jacki Kelley of the Jefferson County sheriff's office declined to release details and says the family has declined to speak to the media.
• Moser's daughter, Veronica Moser-Sullivan, was the youngest person killed in

the attack at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie in Aurora, Colo., more than a week ago.
• Moser suffered gunshot wounds to her neck and abdomen. A family member has said they hadn't told her about Veronica's death.
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First step: US Olympic team begins tourney with French team loaded with NBA talent

• LONDON (AP) -- As the world watched the queen, David Beckham and what seemed like all of England take part in the Olympic opening ceremonies, Mike Krzyzewski stayed in.
• Back at the U.S. team's hotel, Krzyzewski and his assistants studied tape of France.
• Krzyzewski isn't taking any chances.
• "To not prepare would be the ultimate sign of disrespect," Krzyzewski said, "and the biggest, poorest assumption that you could make."
• It's gold time for the Americans, who open the 12-nation tournament Sunday against France, a squad led by San Antonio guard Tony Parker and featuring five other NBA players. The French are one of several teams that believe they have a legitimate chance of shocking the star-studded Americans.
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(Continued on page 43)

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