Sunday,  July 29, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 015 • 41 of 48 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 40)

Senor told reporters ahead of the speech, planned for late Sunday near Jerusalem's Old City.
• Romney believes the option of a U.S. attack should also be "on the table." He has said he will do "the opposite" of what U.S. President Barack Obama would do in his approach to Israel.
• The Obama administration hasn't ruled out the military option, but Obama has so far been relying on sanctions and diplomatic negotiations to discourage Iran from building a nuclear bomb.
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Romanians vote on impeaching president in battle that has sparked Western doubts

• BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Romania's unpopular president was fighting for his political life on Sunday as Romanians voted on whether to impeach him, part of a political battle that has raised questions about the rule of law in the fledgling European Union member.
• Basescu's rivals in the government are seeking to impeach him for the second time in five years. They claim the 60-year-old populist violated the constitution by meddling in government business, coddling cronies and using the secret services against enemies.
• Traian Basescu, a 60-year-old former ship captain whose popularity has plummeted over austerity measures, says the impeachment process is a political vendetta carried out by opponents and has urged his supporters to boycott the vote -- a tactic that may help him survive thanks to a rule requiring turnout to be more than half of the total electorate.
• The political turmoil has dented Romania's credibility, with the U.S. and EU expressing doubts about the left-leaning government's respect for the independence of the judiciary. Critics accuse Prime Minister Victor Ponta, himself the subject of a plagiarism scandal, of orchestrating the move as part of a power grab.
• Polls opened at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT) and will close at 11 p.m. (2000 GMT) with 18 million Romanians eligible to vote. Most are expected to vote to impeach Basescu, but it is uncertain whether the government can muster the necessary turnout.

(Continued on page 42)

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