Saturday,  July 28, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 014 • 24 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 23)

poorest elderly residents.
• "Most likely, it will probably be the elders that live out in the remote areas -- the ones that lose their electricity. A lot of times we've found that a lot of the ones that are the last to get electricity back up are the ones living in the country or remote areas," she said.
• Sacred Power has been providing renewable energy technology to the Navajo Nation for more than 10 years, Stands and Looks Back said. This is the company's first foray into the northern Plains.
• "We saw there definitely was a strong need up here with the high energy costs," she said.
• There's no cost to the Rosebud Sioux Tribe or the residents, she said. Funding for the turbines comes from a $395,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agricul

ture that aims to reduce energy costs in rural areas.
• She said the company will train and hire local tribal members to install the wind systems and educate community members about the machines.
• Chief John Spotted Tail, a tribal spokesman, said the tribe selected about 20 elderly residents living in Parmelee who own their homes. They were chosen from a list of about 60 individuals.
• "There are a lot of people on this reservation right now -- their electricity is shut off because they don't have the money to pay for it, so these generators will keep them on the grid," he said.

Officials reopen roads near Rosebud fires

• ROSEBUD, S.D. (AP) -- Authorities are allowing opening up roads that had been closed on the Rosebud Indian Reservation due to fires but restricting are traffic.
• Fire Information Officer Beth Hermanson says authorities reopened BIA 30 and BIA 5 into the Spring Cree community Friday afternoon. Authorities had earlier allowed Spring Creek residents back into their homes but had kept the roads closed to the general public. A temporary flight restriction over the area has been issued.
• The Longhorn Complex is made up on a handful of fires that have burned more than 68 square miles on the reservation. The fires are 90 percent contained.

Motorcyclist killed by texting driver remembered

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A South Dakota motorcyclist who police say was

(Continued on page 25)

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