Thursday,  July 26, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 012 • 35 of 37 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 34)

• For many visitors, their first experience of the great British tradition of lining up will be at Heathrow Airport. Europe's busiest air hub has been making headlines over the past few months for its long waits at immigration. Officials promise the problem has been fixed for the games, but -- fear not -- visitors will have plenty of other opportunities to stand in line at post offices, bus stops, subway stations and the entrances to the Olympic Park.
• British lines are usually orderly, often elaborate and full of gallows humor. Be patient and don't try to barge ahead -- all attempts at queue-jumping will be met by glares and furious tut-tutting.
• ___

Bieber paparazzo faces criminal charges related to high-speed freeway pursuit for photos

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Authorities are using a new California law to charge a paparazzo photographer in connection with a high-speed chase of Justin Bieber earlier this month.
• The Los Angeles City Attorney's office on Wednesday filed four misdemeanor charges against Paul Raef, 30, including reckless driving with the intent to capture pictures for commercial gain, reckless driving, failure to obey a peace officer and following another vehicle too closely.
• Paparazzi pursuit of celebrities has long been identified as a risk in Los Angeles.
• "It's Hollywood. There are a huge number of celebrities and there's a lot of

money paid for these pictures," said attorney Harland Braun, who has defended cases involving paparazzi and who said he has had to fend off photographers chasing his celebrity clients.
• "Unfortunately, innocent people get caught up in these chases," he said. "I think the law is a good thing."

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Thursday, July 26, the 208th day of 2012. There are 158 days left in the year.

• Today's Highlights in History:
• On July 26, 1952, Argentina's first lady, Eva Peron, died in Buenos Aires at age

(Continued on page 36)

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