Tuesday,  July 24, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 010 • 22 of 28 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 21)

sachusetts governor will outline to veterans his view that President Barack Obama has relinquished U.S. leadership around the world.
• Obama sought to raise the stakes for Romney's speech with remarks Monday at the VFW convention, casting himself as a steady commander in chief tested by two wars and the successful raid on Osama bin Laden's compound. The president was continuing a Western campaign swing with appearances Tuesday in Oregon and Washington.
• While raising money in California on Monday, Romney offered a preview of his latest critique of Obama, telling about 400 supporters at a hotel in Irvine that "the consequence of American weakness is seen around us in the world."
• However, Obama touted his record as one of promises kept: End the war in Iraq, wind down the conflict in Afghanistan and go after the al-Qaida leader behind the 9/11 attacks.
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Both sides ready their arguments for public hearing over proposed NYC ban on big sugary drinks

• NEW YORK (AP) -- Whether they think the mayor is combating obesity or infringing on their rights, New Yorkers are scheduled to have their say on a proposed ban on large sugary drinks served at restaurants, movie theaters and other eateries.
• The proposal requires only the approval of the Board of Health -- appointed by the mayor -- to take effect. But opponents could still sue to block the ban, or they could convince legislators to step in and block the proposal.

• A public hearing was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, and the board is scheduled to vote on the measure Sept. 13.
• "Sugary drink consumption is a key driver of the obesity epidemic," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday alongside community leaders who gathered to voice their support for the measure. "This year an estimated 5,800 New Yorkers will die because they are obese or overweight."
• A few miles away and about an hour later, more than 100 people gathered on the steps of City Hall to protest the proposed ban -- many wearing t-shirts that read, "I picked out my beverage all by myself."
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(Continued on page 23)

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