Thursday,  July 19, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 006 • 2 of 28 •  Other Editions

Legion Auxiliary Members Luncheon

Groton ALA members, kneeling in front, Pres. Jan Delzer, back r., Bonnie Cooper, Cecelia Siefkes, Tami Zimney, Debra Olson, Wendy Cooper, Lori Giedt, Margaret Oliver, Meri Erickson, Mary Fliehs, Cheryl Hanson, Sherry McKiver and LaVonne Helmer. (Photo courtesy of Tami Zimney)

The Groton American Legion Auxiliary held a luncheon on July 17 to raise money for an American Legion Auxiliary monument in the Groton Cemetery.
This monument will honor past Aux. members, present members and future members. Special recognition will go to Gold Star mothers which include Lois Pasch.
Over 130 people attended the luncheon. The buffet featured over 40 different salads.
Gert Erickson and Marian Raines helped with the decorating as did those pictured except the story writer. The auxiliary is grateful for the good attendance.

- LaVonne Helmer

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