Thursday,  July 19, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 006 • 18 of 28 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 17)

• Moeller initially was convicted in 1992, but the state Supreme Court overturned it, ruling that improper evidence was used at trial.
• Moeller was again convicted and sentenced to die in 1997. The state Supreme Court affirmed the sentence, and Moeller has lost appeals on both the state and federal levels.
• Authorities said he kidnapped the O'Connell girl from a convenience store, drove her to a secluded area, then raped and killed her. Her body was found the next day. She had been stabbed and her throat was slashed.
• Curl, who now lives in upstate New York, visited the crime scene in 2010 to put

up a cross recognizing the 20th anniversary of her daughter's killing. She said lethal injection is nothing compared to the way her daughter was slain, and a killer should die the way the victim dies.
• "I'd have no problem with it," she said. "I figure an eye for an eye."

BLM oil, gas leases in Dakotas hit $3.3 million

• BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- The Bureau of Land Management says its most recent sale of oil and gas leases the Dakotas totaled more than $3.3 million.
• BLM says Serka Services LLC of Vienna, Va., had the highest bid in Tuesday's sale: $880,000 for an 80-acre U.S. Forest Service parcel located in North Dakota's Billings County. Serka Services also had the highest per-acre bid of $11,000 for the same parcel.
• BLM says 112 parcels totaling more than 48,000 acres were offered and all received bids. Nineteen parcels were located in North Dakota and 93 parcels in South Dakota.
• Competitive oil and gas lease sales are conducted at the BLM's Montana state office in Billings. Money from the sales is shared with states and counties. All leases are issued for a 10-year term.

Man arrested for liquor theft, baker fight

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A man accused of making two attempts to steal liquor from a Sioux Falls store has been arrested for burglary and robbery.
• Sioux Falls police say the man used a rock to break into the store early Wednesday.
• He took two bottles of liquor, but dropped both of them when he was confronted

(Continued on page 19)

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