Wednesday,  July 18, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 005 • 26 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

of the school's board of trustees. Freeh's 267-page report, released last week, asserted that late football coach Joe Paterno and three top officials buried allegations against Sandusky, his retired defensive coordinator, more than a decade ago to protect the university's image.
• Sandusky was convicted last month of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period. He awaits sentencing.
• Erickson said now that Penn State has the results of its own investigation in hand, it can turn its attention to the NCAA.
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Obama, first candidate to top $100M in a month, may be first incumbent to be outspent

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Barack Obama was the first presidential candidate to raise more than $100 million in a month and in 2008 was the first to forgo public money for his campaign. Now, he faces the very real threat of being the first president to be outspent by a challenger.
• Obama, who four years ago broke just about every fundraising record for a presidential hopeful, has now been forced to look his supporters in the eye and confess he might not keep pace with Republican Mitt Romney. It's a sobering realization for his campaign, which had imagined an unlimited budget for ads, offices and mail.
• "I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign," Obama wrote to supporters recently.
• It wasn't supposed to be this way. Conservatives just two years ago feared

Obama would raise and spend a billion dollars in the 2012 campaign. Now, there is a real possibility that Romney and his official partners at the Republican National Committee could overtake Obama in total spending.
• How did Obama go from fundraising juggernaut to money chaser in just four years?
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Legal group drafts law to make child custody rules work better for deployed military parents

• NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- A national legal panel that works to standardize state laws wants to simplify child custody rules for military service members, whose frequent deployments can leave them without clear legal recourse when family disputes erupt.

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