Wednesday,  July 18, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 005 • 17 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 16)

marijuana for him and engage in sex acts with him.
• One of the investigators in that case, Bureau of Indian Affairs agent Mike White, said the increase in oil workers has added to worries about sex trafficking. But he said recent convictions on human trafficking and other violent crime has made victims and others more willing to help law enforcement.
• "I have hope. I've seen it already," White said in an interview Tuesday. "Once they know people are being prosecuted, they are coming forward."
• Purdon, the U.S. attorney from North Dakota, said the campaign against violent crime on the reservation is a long process. He noted that an American Indian woman born in the United States has a 1-in-3 chance of being sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

• "Improving public safety in Indian country is not something you are going to knock out in two years," he said. "If we can sustain this for a period of years, I am hopeful, I am confident, we can impact some of these statistics we find to be unacceptable."

West Fargo business to expand into South Dakota

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- A West Fargo, N.D.-based wire and cable harness manufacturer is expanding into South Dakota with a location in De Smet.
• The South Dakota Governor's Office of Economic Development says Sheyenne Dakota Inc. is expected to create 30 jobs over the next three years.
• The company will use a building De Smet constructed in 2009 to attract a new business and spur local economic development. It's expected to begin operations in De Smet by early September.
• Gov. Dennis Daugaard says De Smet was proactive in generating the opportunity for community growth.
• CEO Dave Ingalsbe says Sheyenne Dakota was looking for a small- to mid-size community that could offer a ready workforce.

Lakota man sues SD hospital over surgical scars
KRISTI EATON,Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A lawyer for a Native American man who claims the letters KKK were carved into his stomach during surgery has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the South Dakota hospital where the operation took place, the

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