Thursday,  July 12, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 364 • 19 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 18)

ing Sandusky's arrest.
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Biden to rebut Romney's address during speech at NAACP convention

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden is offering a rebuttal of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney before the nation's largest civil rights organization, defending President Barack Obama's record before black voters.
• Biden is addressing the NAACP convention in Houston on Thursday, a day after Romney said he'd do more for African-Americans than Obama, the nation's first black president. Romney was booed when he said he'd repeal Obama's sweeping health care reform law but otherwise got a polite reception as he reached out to a traditionally Democratic voting bloc.

• Obama's campaign countered that Romney's policies would hurt working families in the black community, an argument Biden was expected to make before the NAACP delegates. Democrats said Romney had opposed the rescue of the U.S. auto industry, the health care law and the economic stimulus, which they said helped black voters.
• "While Mitt Romney tried to paint a picture of a president who failed the African-American community, we know that the reality is that President Barack Obama has delivered time and time again," said Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.
• Obama is not speaking to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People this year. He spoke to the organization during the 2008 campaign and in 2009, while first lady Michelle Obama spoke to the group in 2010. The president is scheduled to address the National Urban League in New Orleans on July 25.
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With fundraiser and dinner, conservative favorite Dick Cheney lends some star power to Romney

• JACKSON, Wyo. (AP) -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney is using his popularity with Republican conservatives to give a boost to Mitt Romney, hosting a fundraiser for the party's likely nominee at a mountain valley resort as well as a private dinner at his Wyoming home.
• Romney has avoided appearing in public with Cheney or with former President

(Continued on page 20)

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