Tuesday,  July 10, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 362 • 21 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 20)

SD man sentenced to 50-year term for raping child

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A 55-year-old South Dakota man was sentenced Monday to 50 years in prison for sex crimes involving a 7-year-old boy.
• A jury in May convicted Steven Brende, of Sioux Falls, on two counts of first-degree rape and two counts of sexual contact with a child.
• The Argus Leader reports that Brende on Monday asked a judge for the death penalty by lethal injection.
• KELO-TV says that Brende was longtime friends with the victim's family and the boy referred to Brende as "Uncle Steve."
• Brende also is accused of showing the boy pornographic videos.

Public to help set scope of wildlife agency review
CHET BROKAW,Associated Press

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Hunters and landowners will be able to help determine the issues covered in an independent review of the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department's management of wildlife issues, Gov. Dennis Daugaard's chief of staff said Monday.
• The review by an outside consultant will focus on the department's Wildlife Division and how it handles research and management involving controversial subjects, such as mountain lions and elk in the Black Hills, Dusty Johnson told the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.
• The public, along with members of the commission that oversees the department, will have a say in how the study is conducted, Johnson said.
• "We've got landowners, we've got sportsmen and we've got a lot of people who care a lot about these issues," Johnson said.
• Plans for a review by an outside consultant were made public over the weekend, but Johnson met with the commission Monday to explain the process of setting up the review, which will be guided by Jason Glodt, a policy adviser to the governor. Johnson said the review wouldn't include the department's Parks and Recreation Division.
• Glodt said members of the public should send their suggestions to him by the end of July. Officials then will determine the study's scope and request proposals from companies or other organizations interested in conducting the study, which

(Continued on page 22)

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