Tuesday,  July 10, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 362 • 11 of 34 •  Other Editions

School board reorganizes for new year

• Groton School Board members completed one year and officially started the new school year during Monday's regular meeting. The first half of the meeting was going through the budget hearing and the second half  dealt with the installation of the new board.
• Overall, Business Manager Mike Weber presented the Groton School District as being strong financially. There will be a slight change in the amount of the levy asked for by the district for the next year. An increase in the special education levy will be needed to help fund the needs of the program.
• School Superintendent Laura Schuster went over the new Accountability Model the schools will be using to replace the Leave No Child Behind pro

Roger Rix was honored for his 28 years of service as a school board member in the Groton School District. Presenting the plaque is school board president Dorene Nelson.  (Photo #9258 by Char Telkamp)

gram. The model will be fazed in across the state, over the next three years, as the schools work to set their benchmarks. The teachers and administration will be learning more about the new model in the near feature.
• As the first meeting moved to adjournment, the board presented Roger Rix with a plaque for his 28 years of service to the board.
• After a short intermission, Business Manager Mike Weber called the second meeting to order and installed incumbent board member Kelly Kjelden to the board. Newly elected member, Marty Weismantel was unable to attend due to a schedule conflict. He will be installed at the next meeting.
• During the election of officers, Dorene Nelson remained as the board president and presided over the rest of the meeting. Kjelden will also remain as the board vice president. Committee assignments were tabled until all the members could voice their choice of committee. There were only four board members present for the second meeting.
• All the items on the consent agenda were approved with the exception of number

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