Saturday,  July 7, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 359 • 20 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 19)

• Gant did not immediately return a phone call seeking further comment. Powers has no listed phone number in the Pierre area and did not immediately return a message left at his Brookings home. .
• Gant earlier said he had no involvement in Powers' campaign supply business and did not benefit from it. He said he knew Powers was running the company while on his staff from January 2011 through May of this year, but asked him to shut it down after Adelstein and others questioned whether it was appropriate.
• Adelstein last month asked the attorney general whether impeachment or removal from office would be warranted if an investigation found impropriety or misbehavior.
• The senator said Friday he still wants Gant out of office. In a letter sent to the attorney general Thursday, Adelstein said he believes impeachment would take too

long because the South Dakota Legislature doesn't meet again until January. He asked about using a state law that allows the governor to hold a hearing and remove another state official for misconduct, crime or gross incompetency.
• "I'm hoping to have Gant either resign himself or have him be removed from office based on that law for lack of ability to run that office," Adelstein told The Associated Press.
• "I'm pleased that Powers is gone. That's only the first step," Adelstein said.
• Jackley said he believes the law cited by Adelstein does not apply to the case. A constitutional provision dealing with impeachment applies to the secretary of state and other statewide offices, so those offices are not subject to the law that allows the governor to remove officials, he said.
• Under the South Dakota Constitution, the governor and some other state and judicial officers can face impeachment for "drunkenness, crimes, corrupt conduct, or malfeasance or misdemeanor in office."
• The constitutional provision gives the state House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment, with a majority of 36 needed to impeach. An impeachment is then tried by the state Senate, with a two-thirds vote needed to remove the official from office.

Ranchers seek better communication on wildfires
DIRK LAMMERS,Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Ranchers in the Edgemont area said Friday they'd like better communication with interagency wildfire officials when crews fight the blazes in South Dakota's Black Hills.

(Continued on page 21)

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