Thursday,  July 5, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 357 • 13 of 25 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 12)

and down 35 percent in North Dakota to 13.2 million bushels.

SD state museum wins award for kids' exhibit

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - The South Dakota State Historical Society's museum in Pierre has won a national award for an exhibit geared to appeal to kids and families.
• The museum at the Cultural Heritage Center won an award from the American Association for State and Local History Leadership in History Awards. Officials say the award program is the most prestigious recognition for the preservation and interpretation of history.
• The exhibit is called "Our South Dakota: Big Land-Big Ideas-Big Heart."
• It features many hands-on activities for children from kindergarten through 6th

grade. Visitors can draw themselves into a wall to see how they measure up to a mammoth, bison and prairie dog. They also can sit in a combine cab to harvest corn, see pictures of landscapes and handle pelts, feathers and claws of animals.

Tour Mount Rushmore's famous faces with a phone

• MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) - Touring Mount Rushmore National Memorial is now as easy as turning to your phone or iPad.
• A new mobile application called Mount Rushmore Virtual Tour allows people to explore the famous mountain carving and park grounds without leaving the comfort of their home.
• The application is part of a five-year partnership between the National Park Service and CyArk, a nonprofit project of the Kacyra Family Foundation, to digitally preserve Mount Rushmore.
• The virtual tour allows visitors to see the sculpture up close. It includes maps, images and three-dimensional laser scans. An audio tour of the park is also available.

Smokejumpers help contain Black Hills wildfire

• RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) - Smokejumpers who parachuted into the Black Hills have helped douse a wildfire in near Edgemont, but a second fire continued to burn just a few miles away Wednesday.
• The Parker Peak Fire was contained Tuesday night with the help of about a dozen smokejumpers from Rawlins, Wyo., fire spokesman Brian Scott said.

(Continued on page 14)

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