Wednesday,  July 4, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 356 • 9 of 32 •  Other Editions

Garness daughter writes about no power in Virginia

Charlie Garness Klauer posted on her Facebook page on Monday about her experience of the power outage in Blacksburg, Virginia. Storms hit that region of the country putting over a million people without power and temperatures soaring into 100+ degrees. On the third morning with no power or water, she wrote: "Morning three of no power/water. Thankful no trees on house or cars. Generator is buzzing in the woods to keep freezer/refrigerator running, solar shower on back deck, Coleman stove on picnic table and grill ready to fire for cooking. Looks like we will be living 'large' like this for a few more days as AEP is saying that they think we will have power on Wednesday."
Charlie is the daughter of Leonard and the late Sheila Garness and is a Groton High School graduate.

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