Tuesday,  July 3, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 355 • 5 of 36 •  Other Editions

Spain trip a life changing event

• Spain is not what you'd call your average field trip and for the first time in Groton High School history a group of 12 Spanish II students traveled to that very destination. Their teacher, Lisa Kippley, a teacher at Groton for two years now, decided she wanted to take the students to Spain in March 2011. It took about one year for the trip to be set in stone by the school board. Kippley said, "I went to Spain when I was in high school and had a life changing experience. It's why I'm a Spanish teacher!" A lot of the parents were interested in it right away. Kippley said, "About 30 students brought their parents to the Spain trip meeting and only 12 of the students went."
• Spain still has its expenses though. The students had to fundraise to get money for the trip so they had a fancy Spanish dinner at the Groton Legion and had a carnival

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Literally, "The View" of Toledo. Back Row: Shane Haskell, Mikki Kavanaugh, Trevor Larson, Olivia Lone, Amanda Worlie, Maddie Howard, Lisa Kippley, Cheyenne Schaller, Gabbriella Tinglund
Front Row: Alec Olson, Abby Gibbs, Savanna Larson, Erin Sternhagen, Darac Harry. (Courtesy Photo by Karla Davidson)

Mediterranean Sea, torremolinos

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