Saturday,  June 30, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 352 • 30 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 29)

roads outside waving opposition party flags and holding banners, including one that said: "We are proud of you Mother Suu!"
• Others were clearly impressed by the honorary doctorate degree she was awarded at Oxford University, shouting: "Long Live Dr. Aung San Suu Kyi!"
• The 67-year-old opposition leader smiled and waved as supporters lavished her with floral bouquets and she was escorted into a waiting car, which inched through the crowd on the way to her lakeside villa.
• During her two-week trip, Suu Kyi met with political leaders in Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, Britain and France.
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Custody of 6-year-old Suri, superstar images at stake in Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes divorce

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- When Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes first got together, he jumped on a couch, she gushed girlishly, and many of their fans said, "Huh?"
• Their split could cause just as much drama.
• Not only are the images of two Hollywood stars at stake, so is the future of 6-year-old Suri, with some speculating that Holmes' decision to file for divorce in New York might mean she's seeking sole custody of their daughter.
• Ultimately, Cruise may have the most to lose.
• "There's no question this divorce is going to hurt his public image," said Dorie Clark, author of the forthcoming "Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future."
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Yohan Blake shocks Usain Bolt in 100 meters at Jamaican Olympic trials

• KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) -- When the Olympics start, it will be Usain Bolt doing the chasing.
• The World's Fastest Man wasn't even the fastest man in Jamaica on Friday night.
• Instead, that honor was snatched away by Yohan Blake, the man they call "The Beast," who blew away Bolt out of the starting blocks and finished the 100-meter final in 9.75 seconds to upset the world-record holder by 0.11 seconds in the Jamaican Olympic trials.

(Continued on page 31)

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