Saturday,  June 30, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 352 • 22 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 21)

"A'' standard height -- in Germany about a year ago -- while the third-place finisher had not.
• "This didn't happen the way I would have wanted it to happen," Miles told the Argus Leader newspaper. "But given the circumstances and the conditions, I'll take it.
• "The conditions were really tricky," he said. "You had rain, you had headwinds, some weird sidewinds -- it was a real difficult meet."
• Miles competed at the Olympics in Athens, Greece, in 2004, finishing seventh, and in the 2008 Games in Beijing, China, where he finished fourth, just missing a medal.
• The first round of the pole vault competition in London is Aug. 8, which will give Miles more time to recover from a recent Achilles injury.

• "I have a month where I can travel, find some people who can help me try to get my Achilles under control," he said. "Then I'll still have time to put in some quality training so that hopefully I'll be able to go into it feeling like I can be very competitive."

Excerpts from recent South Dakota editorials
The Associated Press

• Rapid City Journal. June 28, 2012
• Political store a conflict of interest
• For more than a year, a member of Secretary of State Jason Gant's staff ran an online company that sold political campaign materials while he was also working in the Secretary of State office.
• Pat Powers operated Dakota Campaign Store before and after joining Gant's staff in January 2011 until Gant asked Powers to shut it down in May. The company sold political mailers, yard signs, bumper stickers, lapel stickers, political postcards and campaign supplies.
• Gant said he asked Powers to close down the Dakota Campaign Store because it had become a distraction.
• It's more than a distraction; it's a conflict of interest.
• The Secretary of State office runs elections in South Dakota. How could a staffer be allowed to operate a political-oriented business while working in the office that supervises political campaigns and elections?
• That's the question that state Sen. Stan Adelstein has asked Attorney General Marty Jackley to look into. Adelstein said he's concerned about "allegations of im

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