Wednesday,  June 27, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 349 • 27 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

ment are being kept at bay.
• The Wednesday's event will feature a handshake between the monarch and Martin McGuinness, whose Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein long has refused all contact with British royals. McGuinness is the senior Irish Catholic in Northern Ireland's 5-year-old unity government.
• British officials say only two photographers are being admitted to record the occasion.
• The queen is coming to Belfast as part of United Kingdom-wide celebrations of her 60th year on the throne. She is scheduled to see the city's Titanic exhibition and attend an open-air party involving 20,000 locals at Stormont, the hilltop base for the power-sharing government.
• IRA die-hards opposed to the group's 2005 decision to renounce violence and disarm sought to express their disapproval of the queen's visit before she arrived.
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Towering Colorado wildfire devours homes, forces partial closure of Air Force Academy

• WOODLAND PARK, Colo. (AP) -- A stubborn and towering wildfire jumped firefighters' perimeter lines in the hills overlooking Colorado Springs, forcing frantic mandatory evacuation notices for more than 9,000 residents, destroying an unknown number of homes and partially closing the grounds of the sprawling U.S. Air

Force Academy.
• Heavy smoke and ash billowed from the mountain foothills west of the city. Bright yellow and orange flames flared in the night, often signaling another home lost to the Waldo Canyon Fire, the No.
1 priority for the nation's firefighters.
• Interstate 25, which runs through Colorado Springs, was briefly closed to southbound traffic Tuesday. All told, officials said, evacuation orders affected as many as 32,000 residents.
• "It was like looking at the worst movie set you could imagine," Gov. John Hickenlooper said after flying over the 9-square-mile fire late Tuesday. "It's almost surreal. You look at that, and it's like nothing I've seen before."
• With flames cresting a ridge high above its breathtaking, 28-square-mile campus, the Air Force Academy told more than 2,100 residents to evacuate 600 households. There was no immediate word on whether a new class of
1,045 cadets would report as scheduled on Thursday.
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(Continued on page 28)

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