Wednesday,  June 27, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 349 • 2 of 30 •  Other Editions

Catholics host Totus Tuus Program

• Totus Tuus is the Latin phrase meaning totally yours. It is a Catholic Diocese program that was founded by Father Bernie Gorges in Wichita, Kan. and there are different groups made up of four Catholic college students that travel to different parishes throughout the summer, including St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Groton.
• Two local students are also involved in the program. Marah and Sam Smith, daughter and son of Steve and Carol Smith, Groton,

Ben Hartley, Krystal Goodale, Kaitlin Schulte, Andrew Salvetti (Totus Tuus teachers) (Photo by Sydney Thorson)

have recently joined Totus Tuus and they are traveling on different teams this summer. Marah is currently teaching in Britton, and Sam is currently teaching in Chamberlain.
• The four Totus Tuus team members that came to Groton are Kaitlyn Schulte, Benedictine College, Atchison, Kan.; Andrew Salvetti and Ben Hartley, both from the

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