Monday,  June 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 347 • 7 of 25 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 6)

• Saturn, the most distant world that you can easily see with the unaided eye, moves rather slowly in front of the backdrop stars. Yet Saturn, the sixth planet outward from the sun, will finally leave Virgo and enter into the constellation Libra by the early part of December 2012.
• Okay, enough about Saturn for now. The modestly-bright "star" close to tonight's rather wide waxing crescent

moon is Mars. Mars, the fourth planet outward from the sun, moves more quickly than Saturn does through the stars. In fact, Mars will catch up with Saturn on August 17, 2012, to stage a beautiful conjunction of ruddy Mars and golden Saturn in the evening sky.
• On June 25, 2012, use the moon to find the red planet Mars - and then use the star Spica to locate the planet Saturn, now stationary in front of Virgo.

Groton Garden Club

The Groton Garden Club met at the home of Bev Sombke for a pot luck guest night. Nine members and four guests, Mary Overacker, Erin Bahr, Linda Anderson and Jean Walter answered roll call with their favorite 4th of July memory It was reported that the City Park will  be planted and the Putney Putovers  will help weed through the summer. the state convention of S.D. Feduated Garden clubs will be held in Mobridge July 6-7. Janice Fliehs suggested that we somehow identify the tree donations in the city park. The next meeting will be held at the home of Pam Rix, July 16, at 5:30 p.m. Bev Sombke will be the yard of the Week chairman for July. Following the meeting, Renee McKiver gave the program on "Six Principles of Great Garden Design." She gave tips on organizing your plants to give the most pleasing look.

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