Sunday,  June 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 346 • 20 of 25 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 19)

• Anticipation was high and there were fears violence could break out after Sunday's announcement.
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Greek PM cannot attend EU summit due to eye op, will send foreign minister

• ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Greece's government says its new prime minister will not be well enough to travel to a critical European Union summit in Brussels after

undergoing an eye operation.
• Antonis Samaras underwent surgery for a detached retina Saturday. Government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said Sunday that the doctor treating him had forbidden him from flying.
• Kedikoglou said newly appointed Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos would attend the June 28-29 summit in Samaras place.
• Greece's incoming finance minister, Vassilis Rapanos, was also hospitalized Friday after suffering a collapse. As his swearing in had to be postponed outgoing Finance Minister Giorgos Zanias still holds the title.
• Zanias, who was a key negotiator for Greece's bailout deal before being named to the post, will also attend the summit, along with two deputy ministers.
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Paraguay's Lugo denounces ouster as president, asks backers to keep peace, in Paraguay protest

• ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) -- Fernando Lugo emerged early Sunday to denounce his ouster as Paraguay's president as a "parliamentary coup" and a "foreordained sentence" that was not based on proper evidence.
• Lugo said his truncated presidency was targeted because he tried to help the South American nation's poor majority. Asked whether he had any hope of retaking office, Lugo exhorted his followers to remain peaceful but suggested that popular national and international clamor could lead Paraguayan lawmakers to reverse his impeachment.
• "In politics, anything is possible," Lugo said.
• He added that he was visited by Roman Catholic bishops before Friday's Senate trial for alleged poor performance of duties, and agreed to accept the outcome of a

(Continued on page 21)

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