Saturday,  June 23, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 345 • 27 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

World Heritage site, saying the application needs more work. Even custodians of the holy site, the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches are opposed, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press.
• The church -- which drew some 2 million visitors last year and parts of which are 1,500 years old -- stands above the grotto that Christians believe was the birthplace of Jesus. The Palestinians' application asks for recognition as a site of "outstanding universal value" urgently in need of attention.
• There is concern by the United States and others that the Bethlehem holy site and the integrity of the World Heritage process risk falling victim to the politics that for decades have torn the region asunder, with the Palestinians using their foothold in the U.N. system to grab symbolic recognition of their elusive bid for statehood in a long-disputed land.
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Nobody's happy at the Rio+20 environmental summit

• RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- Nobody is happy in Rio.
• Not the legion of bleary-eyed government negotiators from 193 nations who met in a failed attempt to find a breakthrough at the United Nations conference on sustainable development.
• Not the thousands of activists who decried the three-day summit as dead on arrival. Not even the top U.N. official who organized the international organization's largest-ever event.

• "This is an outcome that makes nobody happy. My job was to make everyone equally unhappy," said Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of the conference, nicely summing up the mood.
• In the end, this conference was a conference to decide to have more conferences.
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Beady eyes, short snout propel 'Mugly' to victory at annual World's Ugliest Dog contest

• PETALUMA, Calif. (AP) -- A Chinese crested's short snout, beady eyes and white whiskers earned it the title of World's Ugliest Dog at the annual contest in Northern California on Friday.
• Competing for fame, $1,000 and a year's worth of dog cookies, Mugly won the honor by beating out 28 other ugly dogs from around the world.

(Continued on page 28)

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