Friday,  June 22, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 344 • 23 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 22)

Despite Obama's endorsement of gay marriage, public opinion shifts little on issue

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's endorsement of gay marriage did little to shift the nation's views on the subject, with a new poll finding that the public remains evenly split on the issue.
• Even so, an Associated Press-GfK survey released Friday found that the president fired up his core supporters -- at least for now -- with his support of gay marriage. More young people, liberals and Democrats say they strongly approve of Obama's handling of same-sex marriage than said they did before he disclosed his new position last month.
• The poll found that 42 percent of Americans oppose gay marriage, 40 percent support it and 15 percent are neutral. Last August, the country was similarly divided over whether same-sex couples should be allowed to be legally married in their state, with 45 percent opposing, 42 percent favoring and 10 percent neutral.
• The country's divisions -- and conflictions -- are clear in the voices of Americans.
• "Marriage is a marriage, and it's between a man and a woman," said John Von Sneidern, a 76-year-old Republican from Fairfield, Conn., before pausing. "But on the other side of that, there are a lot of gay couples who are responsible and dedicated to each other and deserve a lot of the benefits of marriage."
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Heat are champs! James has triple-double, Miami beats Oklahoma City 121-106 to win NBA title

• MIAMI (AP) -- Music blared and confetti fell, the only celebration LeBron James really wanted in Miami.
• Not that one two summers ago, the welcoming rally where he boasted of multiple titles, perhaps without realizing how hard it would be to win just one.
• He dreamed of this moment, with teammates surrounding him and the NBA championship trophy beside him.
• "You know, my dream has become a reality now, and it's the best feeling I ever had," James said.
• James had 26 points, 11 rebounds and 13 assists, leading the Miami Heat in a 121-106 rout of the Oklahoma City Thunder on Thursday night to win the NBA Fi

(Continued on page 24)

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