Friday,  June 22, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 344 • 22 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 21)

• Billionaire Oracle boss Larry Ellison is known for his elaborate and eclectic taste, and you can add owning most of an inhabited Hawaiian island -- the state's sixth-largest -- to the list.

• That's in part because they don't know if libraries loan e-books, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center.

AP World News in Brief
Defense rebuts insanity claim in closing arguments of 10-week trial of mass killer Breivik

• OSLO, Norway (AP) -- On the last day of his trial, Anders Behring Breivik's defense lawyers tried to cast the confessed mass killer as a political militant motivated by an extreme right-wing ideology rather than a delusional madman who killed 77 people for the sake of killing.
• Since Breivik has admitted to the bomb-and-gun attacks on July 22, the self-styled anti-Muslim militant's mental state has been the key focus of the 10-week trial.

• In his closing arguments in Oslo district court Friday, defense lawyer Geir Lippestad reiterated that Breivik accepts that he set off a bomb outside a government high-rise and then gunned down dozens of teenagers at a Labor Party youth camp in the way that the attacks were described in court.
• "That little, safe Norway would be hit by such a terror attack is almost impossible to understand," Lippestad said. And that helps explain why psychiatric experts reached different conclusions about Breivik's mental state, he added
• Lippestad used his closing arguments to try to prove to the court that Breivik's claims of being a resistance fighter in a struggle to protect Norway and Europe from being colonized by Muslims are not delusional, but part of a political view shared by other right-wing extremists.
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(Continued on page 23)

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