Tuesday,  June 19, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 341 • 13 of 38 •  Other Editions

Altair is your guide star to two small constellations

• Look in the east on a June evening to locate a sparkling blue-white star not far from the horizon. That's the star Altair in the constellation Aquila the Eagle. It's the second brightest star in the Summer Triangle. It's a wonderful star (read more about Altair here) but for the moment let's talk about Altair as a guide to two small yet distinctive constellations.
• Once you've found Altair, it's a short hop to Delphinus the Dolphin and Sagitta the Arrow. Hold your hand an arm's length away to find both star formations roughly one hand-width away from Altair. On June evening's, the Dolphin is found to the lower left of Altair, and the Arrow to Altair's upper left.

• Two fingers held at an arm length cover over, or nearly cover over either constellation. Even so, it is surprising how well these little star patterns stand out in a dark country sky. How many Dolphin stars can you see? One story claims that there are nine visible stars in Delphinus, said to represent the nine muses.
• Meanwhile, according to Greek sky lore, Sagitta is the arrow used by Hercules to save Prometheus from having his liver torn out by Aquila the Eagle.
• Use the bright star Altair to find these two small yet distinctive constellations in the June night sky: Delphinus the Dolphin and Sagitta the Arrow.

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