Monday,  June 18, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 340 • 23 of 27 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 22)

deeply suspicious of the United States.
• The two men will use their meeting Monday, the first since Putin returned to Russia's top job, to claim leverage. Much of the rest of the Group of 20 economic meeting will be devoted to the European fiscal crisis and the fate of Greece as a part of the euro zone.
• "I expect that it will be a candid discussion, it will get down to business," White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said ahead of the lengthy morning meeting between Obama and Putin.
• "We'll be able to sustain cooperation in some areas, we'll have differences in other areas, and we'll work to try to bridge those differences."
• The G-20 gathering is a natural forum for sideline discussions of the urgent crisis in Syria as well as diplomatic efforts to head off a confrontation with Iran. Russia is a

linchpin in world efforts to resolve both crises, and to U.S. goals for the smooth shutdown of the war in Afghanistan. In the longer term, Obama wants Russia's continued cooperation in nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation.
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Sandusky defense about to put on witnesses, possibly including testimony by defendant himself

• BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) -- The defense in Jerry Sandusky's child sexual abuse trial could begin putting on its own witnesses early this week, and one of them could be the former Penn State assistant football coach himself.
• Sandusky's lawyer suggested in opening statements that Sandusky, 68, may take the stand, although that is a risk that defense attorneys usually avoid.
• It can be difficult for any defendant to hold up under the questions of a skilled cross-examiner, said David A. Harris, a University of Pittsburgh law professor.
• "If they put him on, that's really a sign that they think they cannot succeed unless they put him on," Harris said. "Because it's a huge risk."
• Jurors have already heard Sandusky deny the allegations, in the form of an audio recording of a stilted television interview Sandusky conducted shortly after his November arrest.
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SPIN METER: Candidates fight over who's misquoting whom as both sides seize opponent's words

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Rom

(Continued on page 24)

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