Sunday,  June 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 339 • 3 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 2)

• If my "to-do-list" has too much to do, the chances of the day being a PG day is between slim and nil.
• A PG day has more hours in it than things to do. I hate it when I run out of day before I finish my "to-do-list."
• Last Monday, I had just finished my morning cup of Joe and finished reviewing my "to-do-list" and seemed to have the day well in hand.
• The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage noticed my face sporting a playful smile. If there is something my wife can't stand, it is a playful smile across my map. For some reason she thinks I'm up to no good. Usually she's right.
• "Why don't you call and straighten out the telephone bill?" she said, as coolly as a preacher at a summer picnic.
• It was on my list but not anywhere near the top.
• I was rather nonchalant and not ready for this task. I had not seen my chalant for weeks but it did not concern me. Looking back, I should have been concerned, or at least looked for my chalant.
• Actually, I was upbeat and gingerly picked up the phone and dialed the number.
Soon a cheery voice was giving me instructions; "Our options have changed to serve you better. Please listen carefully. If you wish to continue in English please press 1."
• In the confusion, I pressed 4 and got Japanese.
• I began the process all over again. This time I pressed the right button and got the rest of the instructions in English. From then on, I pressed number after number and got nowhere.
• For the next 12 minutes, I was pressing numbers and listening to instructions. Fi

(Continued on page 4)

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