Sunday,  June 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 339 • 23 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 22)

city for the weekend with his wife and daughters in their first visit in two years to their home as a family.
• After a late night catching up with friends in their Hyde Park neighborhood, the Obamas on Saturday attended the backyard wedding of top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett's daughter a block from the Obama residence.
• Neighbors say they're glad to see the return of the president.
• "I took pictures of every black car in the motorcade and waved to every one of them because I didn't know which the president was in," said excited neighbor Mary Ann Smothers, who was hoping to catch a glimpse of the president at his home.
• "I want to see the dress Michelle Obama wears to the wedding tonight," she said Saturday.

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Unmanned Air Force plane lands in California after 15-month mission in space

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- An unmanned Air Force space plane steered itself to a landing early Saturday at a California military base, capping a 15-month clandestine mission.
• The spacecraft, which was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida in March 2011, conducted in-orbit experiments during the mission, officials said. It was the second such autonomous landing at the Vandenberg Air Force Base, 130 miles northwest of Los Angeles. In 2010, an identical unmanned spacecraft returned to Earth after seven months and 91 million miles in orbit.
• The latest homecoming was set in motion when the stubby-winged robotic X-37B fired its engine to slip out of orbit, then pierced through the atmosphere and glided down the runway like an airplane.
• "With the retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet, the X-37B OTV program brings a singular capability to space technology development," said Lt. Col. Tom McIntyre, the X-37B's program manager. "The return capability allows the Air Force to test new technologies without the same risk commitment faced by other programs. We're proud of the entire team's successful efforts to bring this mission to an outstanding conclusion."
• With the second X-37B on the ground, the Air Force planned to launch the first one again in the fall. An exact date has not been set.
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(Continued on page 24)

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