Sunday,  June 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 339 • 2 of 26 •  Other Editions

How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Day
by Rev. James L. Snyder

• Speaking of good days, and who isn't these days, I am looking forward to two in a row. I know it may be wishful thinking on my part, but a person has to do something with his time.
• Last week I almost broke my record with two consecutive good days. But, wouldn't you know it, it just did not happen.
• With all my experience in this matter, I plan to write a book someday: "How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Day." I know 197 different ways to ruin a good day. Who knows, by next week it might pass the 200 mark. When that happens, I will celebrate.
• For those who do not know how to ruin a perfectly good day, let me outline some tried and true suggestions from my vast wealth of experience.
• The first thing is to define what a perfectly good day is. After all, how can you ruin a perfectly good day (PG day) if you don't recognize it? Of course, I agree that nothing is really perfect.
• Perfect is in the eye of the beholder and nobody can hold her for very long. What is perfect to me may not be perfect to someone else - like my wife.
• A perfectly good day is one of those rare days when everything goes according to plan - my plan that is. I like to get up in the morning and over my morning coffee, review my "to-do-list" for the day and put things in order of importance.
• A successful "to-do-list," in my opinion, is a list that does not take all day to do. I need some time for myself.

(Continued on page 3)

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