Sunday,  June 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 339 • 18 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 17)

• Nelson said the commission later this month will unveil a proposal to strengthen laws covering the regulation of grain warehouses and grain buyers.
• The PUC has said Anderson Seeds appeared to be in good financial shape when it was licensed as a grain buyer in 2010, but the commission revoked the company's license after receiving complaints early this year from farmers who were not paid for sunflowers they delivered to the Redfield, S.D., operation.
• A Canadian company has said it has an agreement to purchase the Redfield site. But officials have said it appears there will be no money left to pay farmers after the proceeds of the sale are used to repay a secured bank loan secured. Farmers who have not been paid for grain are unsecured creditors, meaning they get paid only after secured creditors.

La. Gov. Jindal to headline at SD GOP convention

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is to be a featured speaker at the South Dakota Republican state convention next weekend.
• The convention begins Thursday and runs through Saturday. Jindal and South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard are speaking Friday. The event is being held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center.
• Jindal is being mentioned as a possible running mate for likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
• It is Jindal's second recent visit to the Dakotas. Jindal attended an oil industry conference in Bismarck, N.D., last month. He helped raise money for North Dakota Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple's election campaign.

AP News in Brief
Greeks vote in critical election, with euro membership in the balance

• ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Greeks voted Sunday for the second time in six weeks in what was arguably their country's most critical election in 40 years, with the country's treasured place within the European Union's joint currency in the balance.
• The political turmoil sparked by a two-year financial crisis has roiled markets across the world, with fears that victory by parties that have vowed to cancel the country's international bailout agreements and accompanying austerity measures

(Continued on page 19)

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