Wednesday,  June 13, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 335 • 22 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 21)

his mother, three siblings and other family members. He planned to visit twice in previous years, but each time his mother warned it was too dangerous.
• Last week, he finally returned to Mogadishu, where he saw his mother for the first time in two decades. This time she said it was safe and she welcomed him home with tears of joy. He later walked the streets with his brother.
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Officials: Coordinated car bombs in 4 Iraqi cities kill at least 63 during Shiite pilgrimage

• BAGHDAD (AP) -- Coordinated car bombs struck mainly Shiite pilgrims in several Iraqi cities Wednesday, killing at least 63 people and wounding dozens more in one of the deadliest attacks since U.S. troops withdrew from the country.
• The bloodshed was a stark reminder of the political tensions threatening to provoke a new round of sectarian violence that once pushed Iraq to the brink of civil war. The pilgrims were headed to the northern Baghdad neighborhood of Kazimiyah to mark the anniversary of the death of a revered Shiite saint who is interred there.
• The first bomb struck a procession at around 5 a.m. in the town of Taji, north of Baghdad, killing seven people and wounding 2, two police officers said.
• That was followed by four more morning blasts that hit other groups of pilgrims

(Continued on page 23)

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