Wednesday,  June 13, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 335 • 16 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 15)

drunk and causing a crash that killed a 9-year-old South Dakota girl has pleaded guilty to manslaughter and third-offense driving under the influence.
• The Daily Republic newspaper reports that prosecutors have dropped other charges including vehicular homicide in exchange for Michael Sedlmeier's plea Tuesday. He initially had pleaded not guilty to charges.
• Authorities accused the 46-year-old Sedlmeier of having a blood alcohol level more than double the legal limit for driving when he fled police and caused a crash March 24 in Mitchell that killed Iszabella Morgan.
• In return for his guilty plea, prosecutors will seek a prison sentence of no more than 40 years. KELO-TV reports that sentencing is set for June 29.

Capital for a Day heads to Volga on Wednesday

• VOLGA, S.D. (AP) -- The governor's office's Capital for a Day celebration heads to Volga on Wednesday.
• Gov. Dennis Daugaard will tour the eastern South Dakota town and have a coffee outreach hour with residents.
• Residents are also encouraged to attend the Education Financing and Health Care Reform-Medicare/

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