Monday,  June 11, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 333 • 28 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 27)

based around Atlanta, with 30,000 members in the Atlanta area and a ministry of satellite churches across the U.S.
• He was arrested after his 15-year-old daughter called 911 at about
1 a.m. Friday and told a Fayette County sheriff's deputy that she and her father argued when he said she couldn't go to a party. A police report says the girl told a deputy her father charged at her, put his hands around her throat, began to punch her and started hitting her with his shoe. The deputy noted a scratch on her neck.
• The report said the deputy also interviewed Dollar's 19-year-old daughter, who said her father grabbed her sister's shoulders and slapped her in the face and choked her for about five seconds. She said her sister tried to break free, but did not fight back. When her father threw the 15-year-old on the floor, the older girl ran to get her mother. Dollar's wife, Taffi, told the deputy she did not see the fight.
• Dollar launched into a lengthy denial of the allegations from the pulpit.

• "The truth is that a family conversation with our youngest daughter got emotional," he said. "And emotions got involved and things escalated from there."
• He said the mark on his daughter's neck had been there for about 10 years and was caused by a skin condition, eczema.
• "The truth is she was not choked, she was not punched. There were not any scratches on her neck," Dollar said. "But the only thing on her neck was a prior skin abrasion from eczema. Anything else is exaggeration and sensationalism."

(Continued on page 29)

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