Monday,  June 11, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 333 • 18 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 17)

AP News in Brief
Report: Iran military denies claims that it demolished buildings at suspected nuclear site

• TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's military is denying claims by the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog that it demolished buildings at a base in a suspected attempt to cover up nuclear testing, the state media reported Monday.
• The report by news website quoted Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi as saying allegations that Iran was trying to erase evidence at the Parchin military base are "irrelevant and unwise." Iranian officials have issued similar denials over

the past few weeks but this is the first by the defense minister, under whose authority the base falls.
• "The allegations are aimed at affecting nuclear talks in Moscow," Gen. Vahidi was quoted as saying, referring to an upcoming round of negotiations between Iran and six world powers in the Russian capital over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.
• The West suspects Iran is trying to develop weapons technology. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

(Continued on page 19)

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