Sunday,  June 10, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 332 • 18 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 17)

catch: The parents' taxes would go up.
• That's only one of the messy potential ripple effects when the Supreme Court delivers its verdict on the Affordable Care Act this month. The law affects most major components of the U.S. health care system in its effort to extend coverage to millions of uninsured people.
• Because the legislation is so complicated, an orderly unwinding would prove difficult if it were overturned entirely or in part.
• Better Medicare prescription benefits, currently saving hundreds of dollars for older people with high drug costs, would be suspended. Ditto for preventive care with no co-payments, now available to retirees and working families alike.
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Europe's bailout of Spanish banks buys policymakers time to end euro crisis, eases market fear

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- The plan to bail out Spain's banks with up to $125 billion in aid buys European policymakers time to try to save the euro and eases deep fears in global financial markets.
• The deterioration of Spain's banks and the pressing need for a rescue was threatening to bankrupt its

(Continued on page 19)

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