Friday,  June 8, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 330 • 2 of 33 •  Other Editions

Birth Data Released

• We have two new publications related to births. The Census Study released on May 17 - available at - tells us that a majority of newborn Americans are minorities.
• While there is a certain appeal to making a pun or two on this topic, I'll bypass the pleasure of developing an Abbott and Costello routine.  Statistically, and with the definitions of minorities, we've seen this one coming.
• The second publication is the Center for Disease Control's release "Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2008 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set."   This document is available at: .
• Among other observations that we can extrapolate to South Dakota is the statement "Infant mortality rates vary with maternal age; in 2008 infants of teenage mothers (9.59) and mothers aged 40 and over (8.07) had the highest rates. 
• The lowest rates were for infants of mothers in their late twenties and early thirties" on page 13.
• Mike McCurry, Ph.D.

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