Wednesday,  June 6, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 328 • 21 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 20)

Hill City, and Sen. Deb Peters, who had a narrow lead over Rep. Lora Hubbel of Sioux Falls.
• Jim Lowe, a Sioux Falls financial executive, declined to say who got his vote, but he said he was impressed by the field of Republicans vying to represent his area.
• Lowe said Republicans in statewide and local races have done a great job recruiting qualified people into politics.
• "There are lots of candidates running," Lowe said. "I think that's great for the community."
• Jim Larson, the lone Democrat running for the House in his area, said Democrats face a tough time winning in the predominantly Republican state, but races as of late have been drawing more qualified candidates.

• "It's kind of an uphill battle when you have a 'D' in front of the name," he said.
• Another key Senate primary unfolded in a district that includes the state's capital. Republican Rep. Tad Perry of Pierre, former head of South Dakota's university system, was being challenged by former lawmaker Jeff Monroe.
• Each of South Dakota's 35 legislative districts elects one senator and two House members at large, except for two Sen

(Continued on page 22)

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