Monday,  June 4, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 326 • 6 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

percentages they must set aside for savings, charity and investments - then involve them in choosing how the money is spent.
• • When you use an ATM explain that it's not free money, but rather has been earned and saved by you.
• • To encourage saving during these times of low interest rates, offer to match their savings at 50 percent.
• • Teach by example. If money is tight and you have to deny your kids non-necessary items, give up something of your own that they know you'll miss.
• • Open a 529 Qualified State Tuition Plan or a Coverdell Education Savings Account to start saving for your children's education - and let them know about it well

before you start discussing college choices.

• Father's Day is when children traditionally express love for their dads. Show how much you care in return by starting them out with a healthy, realistic attitude toward personal finances.

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