Monday,  June 4, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 326 • 26 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

ing. It sounded like he might consider it. But that is going to be based upon the motion itself."
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Concert at the palace and beacons set alight to mark Monday's Jubilee celebrations

• LONDON (AP) -- The celebration of the 60-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II is ready to rock.
• A gala concert kicks off at Buckingham Palace on

Monday evening with Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, Dame Shirley Bassey, Sir Cliff Richard and Sir Tom Jones heading the line-up, along with younger artists.
• Afterward, more than 4,200 beacons are to be set alight in Britain and abroad to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. One beacon is to be lit in Kenya at the Treetops Hotel, where Elizabeth was informed of her father's death in 1952, making her the queen.
• After a drizzly, gray start, the weather looked better Monday morning, with a forecast of some sunshine by the time the concert starts.
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• Stealth destroyer, at over $3 billion apiece, is US Navy's latest answer to rising China
• SINGAPORE (AP) -- A super-stealthy warship that could underpin the U.S. Navy's China strategy will be able to sneak up on coastlines virtually undetected and pound targets with electromagnetic "railguns" right out of a sci-fi movie.

(Continued on page 27)

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