Saturday,  June 2, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 324 • 38 of 49 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 37)

• Business leaders appeared less certain about the economy over the next six months because the confidence index declined to 55.8 in May, from 64.5 in April.
• Other components of the overall index were:
• -- The inventory index declined to 55.3 in May, from 56.7 in April.
• -- New orders fell to 57.2, from April's 64.
• -- Production or sales increased slightly to 61.9 in May, from 61.3.
• Delivery lead times declined to 52.7 in May, from April's 56.1.

• FSA offices being closed in 4 SD counties
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The federal Agriculture Department is closing Farm Service Agency offices in four South Dakota counties due to budget cuts.
• The South Dakota offices will be closed in Harding, Jackson, Campbell and Jerauld counties. Farmers and ranchers can designate the most convenient neighboring county as the place they will do business in the future.
• FSA offices that had one or two employees or were within 20 miles of another FSA office were candidates for closure; 125 offices are being closed across the country.

Excerpts from recent South Dakota editorials
The Associated Press

• Rapid City Journal. May 30, 2012
• West River needed transition center
• For eight years, the state Department of Corrections has been working on placing a transitional center in western South Dakota. Having a minimum security prison closer to where prison inmates are likely to return to society when they are released helps them make the adjustment to post-prison life.
• Recently, the first 82 inmates will be admitted to the new Black Hills Correctional Transition Center to begin the next phase of their rehabilitation.
• The new $5.6 million, 55,294-square-foot prison was recently dedicated by Gov. Dennis Daugaard. The facility is located at the former American Concrete Equipment property a few blocks south of the temporary unit on Creek Drive.
• When the prison reaches capacity in a few years, it will house 400 inmates, most of whom call West River home. About one-third of the more than 3,000 male inmates of the state prison system are from Pennington, Meade, Lawrence, Butte and Fall River counties.
• The inmates who will be housed in the transition center are eligible for work re

(Continued on page 39)

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