Saturday,  June 2, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 324 • 29 of 49 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

from discriminating against people with pre-existing health conditions.
• Barth and Varilek also agree that agriculture policy should to continue to rely on crop insurance as part of the safety net for farmers.
• Varilek said the farm policy must support conservation programs, wind energy, biofuels and provisions that protect farmers from market manipulations by packers.
• Barth said spending can be cut in the farm bill while still protecting farmers. He wonders why tobacco farmers are subsidized while the government is also discouraging smoking.
• Barth, castigating Noem and Congress in general, said members of the House and Senate have failed to live up to their promises to cut spending and balance the budget. "They're not doing their jobs. They're lying," he said.
• As the only candidate to spend time in the military -- a half dozen years in the

Army Reserve -- Barth believes defense spending can be cut.
• "Nobody is going to invade the United States," Barth said. "Personally, I have enough weapons to hold out for a while, and I bet the average South Dakotan has at least 20 rifles and pistols in their home."
• Varilek said he offers Democrats the best chance to beat Noem in November.
• "Since the beginning of this campaign, I've been working hard to build an organization capable of doing that," Varilek said.

(Continued on page 30)

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