Saturday,  June 2, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 324 • 27 of 49 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

• But Barth, a Minnehaha County commissioner, garnered some unexpected national attention last month with a campaign video that went viral online and aired on CNN. In it, he walks around farmland covered in goofy props talking about his time overseas, his military service and even his experience riding an ostrich. At one point, he picks up a gun and fires -- and a rubber chicken falls from the sky, apparently killed.
• Varilek also tried his hand at humor in an earlier YouTube video, saying that he initially wasn't sure if his mother would be the only one to support his candidacy.
• As of May 16, Varilek had raised more than $300,000 in campaign contributions, while Barth had raised just $45,000, with about half of that coming from a loan he made to his own campaign. (By the same date, Noem had raised $1.8 million.)

• Varilek said he's proud of the endorsements by three of South Dakota's most noted Democratic senators. Barth said he wouldn't mind having those endorsements, but he believes the endorsements and campaign contributions also show Varilek is closely tied to a malfunctioning Washington.
• The two candidates have agreed on many issues -- such as the importance of crop insurance for farmers -- but have differed on a pointed few, including

(Continued on page 28)

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