Tuesday,  May 29, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 320 • 26 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

criticism from Republicans and Democrats over Trump's continued questioning of Obama's citizenship. Romney hasn't condemned Trump's false claims, offering a fresh example of the presidential contender's reluctance to confront his party's more extreme elements. There have been other examples in recent weeks that underscore Romney's delicate push to win over skeptical conservatives while appealing to moderates and independents who generally deliver general election victories.
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Italian news reports say 8 dead in new 5.8 magnitude quake that rocked area hit May 20

• MILAN (AP) -- Italian media say eight people are dead in a magnitude 5.8 earthquake that has shaken northern Italy in the same northern region that was hit by another fatal quake May 20.
• The United States Geological Survey said the quake on Tuesday, which struck at 9:00 a.m. local time (0700 GMT), was centered 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of the city of Bologna. It hit the area where a 6.0 temblor killed seven people earlier this month.
• The news agency ANSA reported that eight people have died and the news agency LaPresse said others were buried under the rubble of collapsed homes and factories.

(Continued on page 27)

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