Friday,  May 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 316 • 27 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

• The Obama administration is sidestepping a row with the hotel industry and other swimming pool owners to give them more time to comply with access rules for the disabled.
• -- Shantytown Revival Hopes in Haiti
• A local sports hero, a New York real estate developer and a well-known architect are teaming up to build a soccer stadium in Haiti's notorious Cite Soleil, a city known for its extreme poverty and gang battles.
• -- Maine Activists Try to Block Gay Marriage
• Scores of churches will pass the collection plate a second time at Sunday services on Father's Day to kick off a fundraising campaign for the lead opposition group to a November referendum to legalize same-sex marriages.
• -- Hey L.A. Straphangers -- Time to Pay
• Nobody pays in L.A. Or so say some of the veteran scofflaws on the city's fast-

growing subway system. But soon they'll be digging for their dollar-fifty like everyone else.
• -- "Beer Here" Exhibit in New Amsterdam
• A museum traces the history of beer in New York all the way back to drunken Colonial times and makes the case that the state was once the forefront of the American beer scene.
• -- D-Wade and King James Make East Finals
• Dwyane Wade scores 41 points and LeBron James and the Miami Heat beat the Indiana Pacers 105-93 to advance to play the winner of the Celtics-76ers se

(Continued on page 28)

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