Friday,  May 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 316 • 19 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 18)

law against distracted driving as support for admonishing teens to focus on driving while behind the wheel.
• -- A distracted driving law would bring attention to the dangers of using handheld devices while driving for both teen drivers and adults.
• The teens who spoke at Kids Speak about distracted driving get it. It's time for state lawmakers to follow through.
• ___
• Argus Leader of Sioux Falls. May 18, 2012
• How hard do they work?
• When South Dakota sends its representatives to Washington, D.C., there's an understanding that they will show up, participate and make decisions that are best

for the state.
• As with any job, you have to be there to get things done.
• The South Dakota Democratic Party has accused Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., of not being present at agriculture committee and subcommittee hearings most of the time. Out of 20 committee and subcommittee meetings since last June, the Democrats say they can find proof that she has attended four. Noem's staff said she is busy representing South Dakotans in Washington and has a 99

(Continued on page 20)

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