Thursday,  May 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 315 • 31 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 30)

someone who feels for the poor. We basically want a superman," said Heba el-Sayed, a 42-year old teacher who was asking her colleagues outside a polling station in the popular neighborhood of Sayeda Zeinab who they voted for.
• Egyptians have never had the chance to pick a leader. Mubarak, who was often derisively labeled as "pharaoh" by Egyptians, came to power in 1981 after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat at the hands of Islamic militants, mostly because he signed a peace treaty with Israel. He was re-elected multiple time after that, mainly in yes-or-no referendums in which he was the only candidate.
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Private supply ship flies near space station in critical test, actual docking on Friday

• CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- The world's first private supply ship drew close to the International Space Station on Thursday in a critical fly-by-without-stopping test in advance of the actual docking.
• The SpaceX Dragon capsule was directed to stay at least
1 1/2 miles away from the orbiting lab as it got started on a practice lap and checkout of its communication and navigation systems.
• The historic linkup is scheduled for Friday, assuming success on Thursday.
• It is the first U.S. vessel to visit the space station since NASA's shuttles retired last summer. The space station astronauts struggled with bad computer monitors and camera trouble as the Dragon zoomed toward them. A NASA spokesman said the problem would not hold up the operation.
• SpaceX's near-term objective is to help stockpile the space station, joining Russia, Europe and Japan in resupply duties. In three or four more years, however, the California-based company run by the billionaire who co-founded PayPal, Elon Musk, hopes to be launching station astronauts.
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UN panel claims evidence of illegal killings, torture by Syrian forces, armed opposition

• GENEVA (AP) -- A U.N.-appointed panel of human rights experts says it has documented cases of unlawful killings, torture and abuses by Syrian government forces and anti-government armed groups.
• The members of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria said in a report Thursday that since March the Syrian government forces have killed

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