Monday,  May 21, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 312 • 20 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 19)

uttered bluntly at soccer games, summer camps and national academic competitions: Here come the tornado kids from Joplin.
• For the 428 members of Joplin High School's Class of 2012, Monday night's graduation-- featuring a commencement speech by President Barack Obama --caps a senior year marked by tragedy, turmoil and perseverance.
• The president will visit southwest Missouri the day before the one-year anniversary of the country's deadliest single tornado in six decades. The May 22, 2011, twister killed 161 people, injured hundreds more and destroyed thousands of buildings, including Joplin High. Five other Joplin schools were also destroyed, with four more among the damaged structures.
• The twister arrived hours after last year's high school graduation, forever defining

the Joplin High Class of 2011 and their younger classmates as well.
• "They had to grow up the night of the storm," Joplin High principal Kerry Sachetta said. "They saw things they never should have had to see."
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Officials say militants attacked US Coast Guard trainers in Yemen, injuring one

• SANAA, Yemen (AP) -- Yemeni security officials say

(Continued on page 21)

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